Yellowstone National Park
America’s First National Park
Yellowstone, a nature lover by birth, has welcomed in many kinds of wildlife with open arms. The bison, bears, wolves, and elk are not just inhabitants — they’re cherished friends of the land. Like any sentient being, Yellowstone has moments of frustration and fury where geysers can’t help but erupt and hot springs boil over with rage. But when the emotions pass, the park asks for forgiveness with lullabies sang by waterfalls and old tales told by leaves in the wind.

Yellowstone Tours

America's Cowboy Country

America's National Parks & Denver

Montana: Exploring Big Sky Country featuring Yellowstone & Glacier National Parks

National Parks of America
Fun Facts About Yellowstone

In 1902, the park became the first area to implement wildlife protection laws to help save the bison from extinction

Yellowstone is home to over 10,000 geothermal features, including geysers, hot springs, mud pots, and fumaroles

The most famous geyser in the park is Old Faithful, which erupts approximately every 90 minutes

Virtual Event:
Wyoming & Code of the West
Wednesday, March 06, 2024 2PM EST 1 hour
The pioneers of the western frontier lived by a series of unwritten rules: The Code of the West. It includes items like, “Be tough, but fair” and “Live each day with courage.” This code is deeply engrained in Wyoming’s culture.
Amy Larsen, Industry Relations Manager at the Wyoming Office of Tourism, is a born and bred resident of the Cowboy State. And she’s ready to share her state and its code with you.