Great Smoky Mountains National Park
America’s Favorite National Park
Tucked away in the heart of the Appalachian Mountains lies Great Smoky Mountains National Park. White-tailed deer graze among the fern-covered slopes, and red-tailed hawks soar through clear skies. A chorus of songbirds singing with babbling streams form a natural symphony that echoes through Great Smoky’s verdant hollows. Throughout the seasons, Great Smoky's character shifts. In spring, hillsides burst into a field of wildflowers as black bears amble through dense foliage. Summer brings lush canopies of green, and the fireflies light up the night in a display of magic. Autumn stitches Great Smoky’s woodlands in warm colors, inviting its travelers to witness a tapestry woven by the hands of the changing seasons.
Great Smoky Mountains Tours
Fun Facts About the Great Smoky Mountains

Great Smoky Mountains is the most visited of the national parks in the United States

Black bears are the park’s signature wildlife. You’ll find more of them here compared to anywhere else in North America

The park is sometimes called the Salamander Capital of the World, with an astounding 30 species