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What is your Bucket List Destination?

Kathy S Authorimg1
by Kathy Sullivan

May 15, 2023

3 minute read

You know those dreams that you had as a child? The ones you kept safely protected in your heart, that you perhaps wrote down in your diary or journal? The ones you maybe wished to the stars or to Santa? For me, I’ve always wanted to see the world. In this picture, I actually have no idea if I was asking Santa for a trip or a dollhouse, but you get the idea.


Travel, for me, is something I’ve always wanted to do. It was once a wish – something that felt far-off. Now, my passport tells a story, my memories (and plans) bring a smile to my face. Travel is something I do – as much as I can.

I’ve probably checked 100 places off my bucket list – including visiting Antarctica with my husband, Dan, Collette’s CEO, and many other places. Here’s a picture of us in Iceland:

dan iceland

Not all bucket lists are travel related, but since many dream about a special destination to travel to, let me guide you along today.

There are so many ways to travel today, like cruising, flying or even driving to your dream destination.

I have done all three and can say flying is faster and gets you where you want to go pretty quickly, especially if you’re Travelling to Europe or Australia or even cross country from the east coast to the west coast.

Is your bucket list full of ways to connect to history… maybe even your history? I have explored Italy many times. I am Italian-American, and my dad’s mom, my grandmother, was right off the boat. My dad was a quiet man – and he made the best gravy and loved his Italian heritage.

italy rome

Is your bucket list full of adventure? Or are you a history buff and want to learn all you can about pretty much anywhere you go? I am not going to lie, I’m less adventurous and more focused on scenery, museums, and of course, wonderful gastronomical experiences.

I went to New Zealand in 2009 and had the opportunity to bungee jump. I was with my three kids and husband, Dan, and they all did it. I was the chicken of our group and watched them do it. Good for them!! They tried it and I give them and anyone who tries it a lot of credit to be brave and adventurous to do it.

As a world traveller, I have seen and experienced so many sights this world has to offer. Some of the places I have travelled to:

australia blog

Adventures “Down Under” with Dan, our niece, and some truly amazing friends, including Neale from Melbourne.

I have travelled with my husband and my kids, and you probably might do the same. But I have also travelled with my best friends as well. Travelling with friends is a fun way to see the world.

So if you are working on fulfilling a bucket list experience, do it with your favourite person or people! You won’t regret it for a minute.

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