Deepen Your Faith and Improve Your Health

2 minute read

Travelling to deepen your faith has been a tradition since the beginning of time. Most religions have some form of pilgrimage- whether it is the Muslim journey to Mecca, walking the Camino de Santiago in France & Spain, a visit to Apparition Hill in Medjugorje, an in-depth trip to Israel, or visiting places with special spiritual significance for your religion, such as Vatican City for Catholics or Wittenburg, Germany for Protestants. Faith-based travel is on the rise as more people seek a deeper spiritual connection in an increasingly hectic world.

Religious travel has a positive effect on your health

And whilst religious travel has long been a way to deepen your faith, it has also been shown to have a positive effect on your health. Numerous studies have shown that those with a regular faith practice have lower blood pressure (a Duke University Medical Centre study showed they were 40% less likely to have high blood pressure!), a healthier immune system, live longer and report greater levels of happiness and satisfaction. One of the main reasons experts believe this is because those with a faith practice feel a greater sense of community, greater connection to others, and connection to something bigger than themselves. When you travel to someplace that has spiritual significance to you, it allows you the time and space to explore and expand your core beliefs.

Connect with like-minded people and strengthen your faith

In faith-based travel, you are often Travelling with a group people who share your beliefs and desire to go deeper in their practice, or even to receive spiritual guidance. This can lead to an intense connection with the other people you share the journey with, and in turn this connection provides a profound positive effect on your mental health. Faith based travel is often described as life changing, because travellers return renewed with more meaning, hope, and inner peace. So next time you are planning a trip consider whether faith based travel is right for you - it could be an uplifting and inspiring journey you will never forget.

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