Total Solar Eclipse 2017

3 minute read

Of all the incredible places you can visit to see wildly amazing, astounding and fantastic things, this is one sight that you'll never forget. On August 21, 2017 a total eclipse of the sun will pass over the US. One of the best places to chase the moon's shadow for a full 2 ½ minutes is in a very small town (population 205) called Glendo, Wyoming. Whilst eclipses happen about every 18 months, any one location on Earth only sees totality every 400 years or so! In fact the last total solar eclipse to touch the continental U.S. was in 1979. And the experience of a total solar eclipse isn’t to be missed.

Clearly, we’re very lucky to know just where and when an eclipse will take place, so if you can possibly make it out there, you really should! Read more here to learn about the path of the eclipse and about one lucky little town that will be a part of the excitement!

Make a holiday out of it!

Speaking of towns lucky enough to be in the path of the eclipse, Sky and Telescope has partnered with Collette Travel to offer two incredible options for viewing the eclipse either in or near Glendo, Wyoming. Eclipse viewers can choose from either a 12-day tour that breezes through the Rocky Mountains before landing in the perfect spot to see the big event. After that, the tour continues to other incredible destinations in Colorado and Utah. The second trip option is a 5-day adventure which also swings through the Rocky Mountains, but ends after viewing from the eclipse centerline in Eastern Wyoming.

What to expect when viewing a total solar eclipse

A total solar eclipse happens when the moon passes directly between the earth and the sun. When this happens, temperatures drop, animals go silent and the world seems to hold its breath as dusk takes over in the middle of the day. During totality, viewers can see the Sun’s corona, which is the sun’s atmosphere composed of mind bogglingly hot ionized gas.

There are many people who spend lots of money just for the chance to stand in the moon’s shadow. You can guarantee that there will be millions on their way to witness this phenomenon, which makes planning a trip very difficult. Luckily, we’ve been able to arrange tours to enjoy so the headaches of planning are taken care of and all you have to do is relax and take in the spectacle.

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