International Volunteer Day Collette Volunteer Highlight

3 minute read

December 5 marks International Volunteer Day. Since Collette’s early days, it’s been part of our guiding philosophy to lend a helping hand to communities near and far. It’s just a part of who we are. This mentality of helping others is ingrained in Collette’s culture, but don’t just take our word for it. Hear from our employees about the impact volunteering has made in their lives and the lives of others in the local community:

Gina Manney – Logistics Coordinator, 19 years at Collette

I began volunteering at the Boys and Girls Club of Pawtucket in January 2013 after I had visited with a group from Collette to wrap presents the previous Christmas. My group finished wrapping early, so we went out to the Kindercare room to help them prepare for their holiday festivities. With their permission, I decided to help out in the Kindercare room four Fridays a month, cleaning tables and tidying the toys and games. In 2017, I was completely taken by surprise when Amy Gravell, the Associate Executive Director of the Boys & Girls Club at the time, asked if I would accept the AFP-RI Partner in Philanthropy award for National Philanthropy Day. It was an honour to receive that award. Volunteering does not always have to be time consuming or a grand gesture. It’s just finding out what an organisation, or community, has a need for and asking how you can help.

Darius Debnam – Application Developer, 3 years at Collette

Growing up in the inner city of Boston, I myself benefited from youth mentoring programs. So, when I began working at Collette and found out about their volunteer opportunities, I thought, ‘how could I not volunteer my time and give back?’ In addition to taking part in the volunteering opportunities here at Collette, I volunteer my time playing basketball in the Special Olympics. I’ve been playing basketball in the Special Olympics for the past 5 years with the BVC Blackstone Valley Community (BVC) Bullets. The joy and excitement on each of the players’ faces when they play in these games is priceless. I’m just glad I can enjoy it with them.

Stephanie Johnson – Air Operations Supervisor, 6 years at Collette

I’ve been fortunate enough to have always had a roof over my head, food in the fridge, books on my shelf, and parents that made my education a priority. I’m one of the lucky ones. Books are Wings has become one of my favourite organizations. Literacy is such an important part of a child’s life and getting books into the hands of young children is such an easy way to set them up to succeed in life. For me, if it means spending a few hours of my day supporting organizations that help those in need with the hopes of being able to brighten their day, I’ll be there.

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