World Water Day

2 minute read

Today is World Water Day and at Collette, we are proud of the many clean water initiatives we have been involved with over the years. Our not-for-profit, the Collette Foundation, has a mission focused on hunger and education, two things that are highly correlated. We believe in giving children in the global communities that we visit and beyond every opportunity to thrive. A huge part of the issue of hunger is access to safe, clean and drinkable water. In Cambodia, we built wells in a community near Siem Reap which enabled its inhabitants to practice good hygiene leading to overall health and wellness improvement. Through our partnership with Rise Against Hunger, we support global clean water projects; after all, the meals we package for hunger relief through this organisation need safe water to be made and consumed safely. In the Pampallacta village of Peru, we are in the process of researching a viable water source to help the villagers access clean water, a major issue that faces this community.

Water is Life

In South Africa, we are excited to celebrate one of our most effective clean water initiatives: the Hippo Water Rollers Project. Millions of people worldwide are forced to walk long distances on a daily basis to collect the water needed for their families. We are proud to celebrate 7 years supporting rural communities in South Africa through a partnership with the Hippo Water Rollers Project. In most communities, the water is collected from afar and carried by women in small buckets on their heads. The hard, exhausting task not only leads to injury but simply does not provide enough clean water to support their families.

Hippo Water Rollers were designed to alleviate the problem of accessing clean, drinkable water. These barrel-shaped containers hold, transport and store 24 gallons of water. The rollers are safe and easy to use. Children and the elderly are able to operate a full roller over any terrain. The use of Hippo Rollers in these remote villages allows for approximately five times the amount of water to be collected in far less time. We are excited to personally donate 100 more hippo rollers in September during our impact tour along with guests. We are proud to do our part to make clean water accessible one roller at a time!

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